Magical Singing Chef

Magical Singing Chef
Your Unique GiG TV ID : 197
  • Paisley Scotland PA1 2JA, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom
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Ric Herrington
When asked what Ric Herrington has done in the music business, it may be easier to ask what has Ric not done!

Originally from Cleveland, Ohio in America, Ric has performed in 1500 cities, in 14 countries over last 55 years. He is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, music and video producer, promoter, and director. Ric's 'chameleon' nature has taken him from latin-jazz and American folk to gospel to musical comedy, to a 2 hour Johnny Cash show full time.

Acknowledged by the Cash family, Ric as CASH BACK toured over 8 years in the UK and Ireland full time. Prior to the Cash show, Ric was part of most UK food festivals as comedy act The Magical Singing Chef, having participated in Ready Steady Cook live demonstrations. He developed and performed live the parody show 'Who Wants to Eat A Millionaire (Shortbread). And that's just in UK.

In America, Ric first appeared on stage at 10 years old. He became chief songwriter and band leader for American bands Tranzfer, Heartspace, and Fairweather Fables while writing and recording the album Band du Jour. This led to Ric producing and performing the cable series Cafe Le Musique, which introduced to the world the singing chef, Chef Tunes.

It should be noted the Ric organised and produced Woodstock Jr., a smaller scale 10 year anniversary to the original Woodstock festival. Ric settled down from the rock lifestyle and began performing in houses of worship across America. Some churches began singing some of Ric worship songs.

After retiring from being a touring and performing musical artist, Ric has created For An Occasion Management Ltd. as he saw a need in the UK marketplace for up and coming artistes to be managed and booked professionally in the constantly changing music industry. This business concept has gone from strength to strength with tour management established for the American act, The Del Shannon Show as well as a handful of young Scottish artistes.

In December 2016, Ric released his most recent album, We Have No Problems, Houston.

2022 will see the release of the new studio album, 'The Twelve Dreams of Felonious McRic' which was recorded in 3 countries and features 15 of Ric's closest musical compadres.

Number of people in your Act / Company: 1
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