
Your Unique GiG TV ID : 175
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Big catchy pop choruses best define singer songwriter Jenem! With 2021 seeing her focus on recording new music, this year she is set to release a 4 track EP, alongside a number of singles, perform at festivals including Camp Bestival and Secret Sessions (their first festival), and play numerous live gigs, including a grassroots Europe tour. Having previously performed at venues ranging from the 02 Academy Leeds and Cambridge Junction, to playing a headline show in London, she is no stranger to being on stage but her live setup has seen major developments over the past two years to see the introduction of a drum pad and keys, as well as guitar and vocals! With new single ‘Why Do You Love Me’ set for release this February, there’s plenty on the horizon for Jenem in 2022!

Number of people in your Act / Company: 1
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The GiG TV Show broadcast on YouTube
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Event/Gig bookings
Performers - Music Genres
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